When we talk about run form we usually talk about cadence. So what does that even mean? Cadence is the number of steps you take per minute. You can figure it out by literally counting your steps for 30 seconds.
It is always interesting to look at the source of guidance. For example the S curve swim stroke came from the famous swim coach Doc Counsilman who noticed that all the best swimmers stroke underwater followed an S curve. Generations of swimmers were encouraged to learn the S curve until someone thought about physics! If you want to know more about that then sign up for swim lessons with me.
Back to run cadence. Legendary run coach Jack Daniels noted that top runners at the ’84 Olympics ran with a cadence of 180 steps per minute and that became the goal. Since then many studies have followed to find the ‘optimal’ cadence. Is there one, well no. You have different heights, weights, stride length, run experience, and speed. But it does seem there is a range and the range is likely higher than where you might run now.
Everyone I talk to about run cadence says that people with long legs have an advantage. Interestingly tall runners have lower step frequencies, but may not actually cover more ground. If you start working on cadence you may find it tiring, but studies show that a quicker cadence is actually no more tiring than a slower cadence.
So what should we look for? Well most recreational runners are 140-170 and often those under 160 are over striding. I see this as a huge benefit for working on cadence. You shorten up your stride working on fast feet and you pull your landing in under your body weight. Now you aren’t throwing the brake out in front! There are some studies that show a quicker cadence leads to fewer injuries.
What we don’t want to do it go from 150 to 180 in a run! There are tons of free metronome apps that you can download to help count your cadence and then dial it in. I like the song by the Weeknd called Blinding Lights - right around 170 or a little quicker. So where do you want to be. I’d say a little quicker than you are right now. That could be 160 or 180 or even 200! Short women may be closer to 200. I’d like my boys to get quicker feet, but at 6’2” that may be less than 180. The goal really should be a form that prevents injury.
Check out the video!

cadence.mov |